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The Lake

The Lake In youth’s spring, it was my lotTo haunt of the wide earth a spotThe which I could not love the less;So lovely was the lonelinessOf a wild lake...


Israfel I.  In Heaven a spirit doth dwellWhose heart-strings are a lute —None sing so wild —   so wellAs the angel Israfel —And the giddy stars are mute. II...


Impromptu To Kate Carol When from your gems of thought I turnTo those pure orbs, your heart to learn,I scarce know which to prize most high —The bright i-dea, or the...


Imitation A dark unfathom’d tideOf interminable pride —A mystery, and a dream,Should my early life seem;I say that dream was fraughtWith a wild, and waking thoughtOf beings that have been,Which...

The Haunted Palace

The Haunted Palace In the greenest of our valleysBy good angels tenanted,Once a fair and stately palace —Snow-white palace — reared its head.In the monarch thought’s dominion —It stood...

The Happiest Day

The Happiest Day The happiest day — the happiest hour,My sear’d and blighted heart has known,The brightest glance of pride and powerI feel hath flown —  Of power, said I?...

For Annie

For Annie Thank Heaven! — the crisis —The danger is past;And the lingering illnessIs over at last ——And the fever called “Living”Is conquered at last.——Sadly, I know, I amShorn of...


Fanny The dying swan by northern lakesSings its wild death song, sweet and clear,And as the solemn music breaksO’er hill and glen dissolves in air;Thus musical thy soft voice came,Thus...

Evening Star

Evening Star ’Twas noontide of summer,And mid-time of night;And stars, in their orbits,Shone pale, thro’ the lightOf the brighter, cold moon,’Mid planets her slaves,Herself in the Heavens,Her beam on...

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