
Politian, A Tragedy. Scene: Rome in the 16th century. Characters: Lalage – an orphan ward of Di Broglio. Alessandra – niece of Di Broglio, and betrothed to Castiglione. Jacinta – servant maid to […]


Preface 1Romance who loves to nod and singWith drowsy head and folded wingAmong the green leaves as they shakeFar down within some shadowy lakeTo me a painted paroquetHath been — a […]

A Pæan

A Pæan I.How shall the burial rite be read?The solemn song be sung?The requiem for the loveliest dead,That ever died so young?  II.Her friends are gazing on her,And on her […]

O, Tempora! O, Mores!

O, Tempora! O, Mores! O, Times! O, Manners! It is my opinionThat you are changing sadly your dominion —I mean the reign of manners hath long ceased,For men have none […]

Lines on Joe Locke

Lines on Joe Locke As for Locke, he is all in my eye,May the d—l right soon for his soul call.He never was known to lie —In bed at a reveillé roll-call.” […]


Lenore Ah, broken is the golden bowl!The spirit flown forever!Let the bell toll! — A saintly soulGlides down the Stygian river!And let the burial rite be read —The funeral song […]

Latin Hymn

Latin Hymn Mille, mille, milleMille, mille, milleDecollavimus, unus homo!Mille, mille, mille, mille, decollavimus!Mille, mille, mille!Vivat qui mille mille occidit!Tantum vini habet nemoQuantum sanguinis effudit! —— which may be thus paraphrased: […]

The Lake

The Lake In youth’s spring, it was my lotTo haunt of the wide earth a spotThe which I could not love the less;So lovely was the lonelinessOf a wild lake, […]


Israfel I.  In Heaven a spirit doth dwellWhose heart-strings are a lute —None sing so wild —   so wellAs the angel Israfel —And the giddy stars are mute. II. […]


Impromptu To Kate Carol When from your gems of thought I turnTo those pure orbs, your heart to learn,I scarce know which to prize most high —The bright i-dea, or the […]


Imitation A dark unfathom’d tideOf interminable pride —A mystery, and a dream,Should my early life seem;I say that dream was fraughtWith a wild, and waking thoughtOf beings that have been,Which […]

The Haunted Palace

The Haunted Palace In the greenest of our valleysBy good angels tenanted,Once a fair and stately palace —Snow-white palace — reared its head.In the monarch thought’s dominion —It stood there!Never Seraph […]